College Credit

College Board Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP) courses are college-level classes in a wide variety of subjects that students can take while still in high school. These courses prepare students to take the AP exams in May. Based on the results of the exam, students may receive college credit in that area of study. Click here to review AP score requirements for specific colleges. 

Ursuline Academy offers the following AP courses:


Calculus AB


Advanced Chemistry

U.S. History

U.S. Government


Computer Science Principles

World History

Dual Enrollment

Ursuline Academy has dual credit partnerships with St. Louis University, University of Missouri - St. Louis, Missouri Baptist University, and St. Louis Community College. Students enrolled in dual credit courses at Ursuline must register and pay tuition to the college in order to receive college credit. Depending on the course, registration occurs either first or second semester. Information will be distributed in classes regarding the registration process. It is the responsibility of the student to have the college transcripts sent to the institution to which they are attending. Acceptance of college credit is based on the policy of the institution.

If you have questions, please contact the coordinator for the college credit programs, Mrs. Lauren Hoffman, at (314) 984-2812. 

Click here for information on transferring college credit.

College Credit - Updated September 2021.pdf